In this blog, i am going to reveal some painful experiences which i don’t like revisiting in my psyche but i know its going to serve its purpose. Bottom line ,i turned all that into catalysts to the success in me you see today. https://iamedexco.art.blog/2022/05/07/turning-extrinsic-negativity-into-success/

I had a demotivating, self esteem attacking chunk of my developmental years from 1978-1992. about 14 years of abuse, demotivation, humiliation in all areas of my life including family ,school and society. https://iamedexco.art.blog/2022/03/28/reminiscing/

Peer pressure does not even describe what i went through ,with my generation throwing negative statements ,derogatory and demoralizing attitude towards me by multitudes during 1978-1992. Yes…that long.

I would be called stupid(domkop), & a lot of esteem affecting words. In class I would be laughed at for failing especially mathematics, and the teacher would make me stand the whole lesson for failing to solve a maths problem. But….compare with the now…But I became like an invertor Op Amp…. An electronic device which inverts everything put in it.

I was put into a multi racial school without any knowledge of English at Grade 2 and felt so out of place….. [but thanks to my classmates and friends who used their breaktime and lunch breaks for patiently teaching me…..Kudos..Asif Kurawley ,Kalpesh Metha ,Shereen Moosa, Natasha Fernandez e.t.c. Thanks to Mrs Thomas, my kindergarten teacher who was also patient with me, making me remain behind for extra class voluntarily.

On the home front and society it was equally bad but i have long forgiven the perpetrators so no further details on that. I reached a point of believing what was been said about me.

Anyway ,so much for the negative experience ,the main reason for this blog is to make readers realize that i Turned All Negativity Into Success Catalysts. Judge for yourself what you see in my life present day.

In summary ,all that extrinsic negativity ,I turned into a success story ,boasting of developing into a survivor, an academic & an asset to tose falling into the same predicament as i was before.

One thing i realize additionally though is my extreme stance of standing for myself in confrontation and attempts to demotivate, talk ill of me or when my loved ones are threatened. One has to be very careful before thinking of provoking me in any way. It has ended badly for individuals whom i wish they could testify and confirm. But hey…this is meant to be motivation ,empowerment and coaching for current victims of extrinsic negativity.

Get up … stand up….for yourself. Don’t give up the fight!!!!!


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